The metaphysical properties below are used *with* permission from Kristi Hugs - Kristi's Amazon Author page.
This granite based mineral, Cassierite in Quartz consists primarily of pink Orthoclase Feldspar, clear Quartz and Cassiterite. The picture that is presented describes the energy perfectly--a favorite teacher with a firm hand and compassionate heart. We often learn from those in our life who push us past our comfort zone while at the same time being supportive in the process. In the end, the growth we experienced because of this type of learning helped us to be better people and is something we remember for a lifetime.
This beautiful tumble is like that teacher. It will help us to not only set goals but to do the hard work and see them through to fruition.
Often, there are walls that rise up in front of us, disparaging us, frustrating us. Cassiterite in quartz is not a passive energy at all! It is a real workhorse! It provides true strength of character and will.
In today's society, more now than ever, groups of people are gathering all over the world to bring attention to a variety of causes. Cassiterite in Quartz is a perfect piece to move from intention to actual fruition. It will connect individuals, bringing them together for a common cause. The energy of Cassiterite in quartz will aid those who have gathered to act with conviction but not with force.
This is a stone of integrity and evolution. It shares the old school wisdom of hard work, where a handshake was better than any contract and a man's word was his bond.
There is a strength to this piece. It will work with you all the way through the letting go process- acknowledging that ( fill in the blank with issue) no longer serves you in a positive way, making an effort to let go of it , forgiving your or anothers part in it, and finally releasing it for good- dropping that luggage once and for all. Not only will you find strength in the process, but you will also find an energy of unconditional support, encouragement and love.
This is truly a trifecta stone!
The quartz helps to amplify the energy of the stone.
The Cassiterite helps to keep you balanced and grounded as you face each experience/lesson.
The pink/peachy Granite is the perfect support stone, connecting the physical to the universal.
Physically, Cassiterite in quartz can help to remove energy blockages within the body which would make it a valuable healing tool. It can remove toxins from the body and/or the environment around you. Work with Cassiterite in Quartz to strengthen the immune system and the elimination systems.
All properties of Quartz, Cassiterite and pink Feldspar will also apply.
Clear Quartz Crystal is one of two basic crystals I believe everyone should have if you are even a little bit interested in crystals. The other crystal is Satin Spar Selenite. Quartz is for everyone--from beginners to the very advanced. These wonderful crystals can purify all parts of us--physical, emotional, and spiritual. They are, indeed, pure white light. Quartz can provide clarity of thought in order to influence your situation(s) and surroundings. It aligns your energy and brings you into a state of harmony. You can draw the energy of the Universe to you with one of these wonderful crystals. Be careful to use Quartz for "the good of all" and for "harm to none".
Quartz is very good for meditation and can bring you into contact with the ethereal plane or anywhere else you wish to go. You can clear all of your Chakras as well as activate them, but Quartz is especially good working with the Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.
Cassiterite is grounding and protecting, of course. It will even protect you against physical danger. It can be useful to help solve problems, especially in the science disciplines. It can alleviate any feelings of rejection, disapproval, or separateness that you may experience.
Cassiterite is grounding and protecting, of course. It will even protect you against physical danger. It can be useful to help solve problems, especially in the science disciplines. It can alleviate any feelings of rejection, disapproval, or separateness that you may experience.
Amazonite, Labradorite, Golden Labradorite, Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Norwegian Moonstone/Larvikite, Sunstone, Oligoclase, Albite, and Microcline are all Feldspars. Most of these crystals have lovely flashes of color, chatoyancy, within the crystals. These flashes are sometimes multi-colored and sometimes just one color and add a wonderful dimension to an already attractive crystal.
Feldspar allows you to easily walk towards the new and away from the old. This crystal helps you to be more aware of self and to practice self-love. Learning self-love is imperative if you are to ever reach true spiritual development. Everything starts with self-love and truth with yourself. Feldspar has been found in moon rocks. This crystal helps you find things you have lost (i.e., your car keys). It also helps you to hear more of the messages that we receive from our higher self, spirit guides, angels, etc.
Vibration: 11
Astrological Sign: Unknown
Crystals are a very large part of my life, and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by crystals! When a crystal is touching you all of the time, you are getting the energy of the crystal constantly. I wear several pendants, so I literally wear my medicine bag around my neck. I think this is the very best use of a crystal! Healing crystals do not do you a lot of good if they are sitting on a shelf. You should be touching them as much as possible! Working with them by holding them in your hand or placing them on your body is good, too, as is holding a crystal during meditation.
When my life is about to change, I usually know it is coming, because I feel a very strong need to change my pendants. When I no longer need to wear a pendant or other piece of jewelry, they sometimes literally fall off my body. Over the years, I have worn many different combinations of crystals, and I have enjoyed them all. I seem to wear at least six pendants, but it has been as many as twelve at times. Jewelry is an excellent way to work with your crystals!
Prices are subject to change without notice. I do my best to accurately describe all of the crystals I list for sale and to describe any "flaws", but I am imperfect in all things!
Deborah Burton
85 Posse Ground Road
Sedona, AZ 86336-4717
Cell: 928-821-5330
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