I believe that Chrysocolla is one of the most beautiful crystals in the aqua/turquoise color range. Chrysocolla is always found in combination with other crystals, as far as I know. Peruvian Chrysocolla is found in combination with many other minerals--Cuprite, Lepidocrocite, Hematite, Malachite, Native Silver, and so on... The Chrysocolla out of Namibia, for example, can be found in combination with Shattuckite, Dioptase, Ajoite, Smokey Quartz, Malachite, etc. Chrysocolla works best on the Base Chakra, Navel Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, and Throat Chakra. It helps the Heart Chakra to ease emotional heartache. This crystal gives you a great capacity to love. It can renew your strength and restore balance to your life. Chrysocolla can bring you great inner strength to help you get through short-term or even long-term stressful situations. This crystal promotes initiative and eliminates negative energy from your bodies. This crystal is an extraordinary healing crystal--allowing you to tune in to the perfection of the Universe and allowing you to see what is necessary to realign your physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies to a state of good health.
Vibration: 5
Astrological Sign: Gemini, Virgo, and Taurus
Crystals are a very large part of my life, and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by crystals! When a crystal is touching you all of the time, you are getting the energy of the crystal constantly. I wear several pendants, so I literally wear my medicine bag around my neck. I think this is the very best use of a crystal! Healing crystals do not do you a lot of good if they are sitting on a shelf. You should be touching them as much as possible! Working with them by holding them in your hand or placing them on your body is good, too, as is holding a crystal during meditation.
When my life is about to change, I usually know it is coming, because I feel a very strong need to change my pendants. When I no longer need to wear a pendant or other piece of jewelry, they sometimes literally fall off my body. Over the years, I have worn many different combinations of crystals, and I have enjoyed them all. I seem to wear at least six pendants, but it has been as many as twelve at times. Jewelry is an excellent way to work with your crystals!
Prices are subject to change without notice. I do my best to accurately describe all of the crystals I list for sale and to describe any "flaws", but I am imperfect in all things!
Deborah Burton
85 Posse Ground Road
Sedona, AZ 86336-4717
Cell: 928-821-5330
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