The metaphysical properties below are used *with* permission from Kristi Hugs - Kristi's Amazon Author page.
Mushroom Chalcedony
These unique fawn colored Chalcedony nodules were created to work in pairs. There is a decidedly female energy in one (larger, rounder) and a masculine energy in the other (smaller, darker with protrusions). I checked this with my pendulum to verify.
The Chalcedony nodules work in tandem towards a common goal. Neither has a dominant energy over the other. Instead, they work together to achieve stability and balance.
The Chalcedony is about equality and cooperation, common goals and appropriate action.
These nodule pairs represent life, creation and sustainability. They pulse with energy like a heartbeat.
Chalcedony nodules are very “down to earth” in many ways. The information they provide, be it messages from within or without, are simple and clear, uncomplicated with no drama.
Many of us have lost sight of the simplicity of life. Work with a pair of Chalcedony nodules to help you clear out the complications and remember the core values that are truly important to you – kindness, generosity, gratitude and love.
The lotus flower grows in mud. The lotus is one of the most beautiful flowers known to man, whose very life is sustained by a simple slurry of earth and water.
There is such a feeling of warmth with these nodules. They bring to mind my memaw, who made me feel more loved and special than any other person in my life. I believe when you hold these, you will remember that loved one in your life as well. It is unconditional love, a feeling of true worth, support and empowerment all rolled in to the best hug ever! The message is to be THAT……that loved, self-empowered, worthy and supported being. Do not allow experiences or others to tear you down. You are the person your special person sees (saw).
If you are too invested in a particular idea or your passionate belief in an issue becomes all consuming, these nodules will help you to dial it down, take a step back and help to see from a more neutral perspective. They will help you to become the observer, to see all sides. This can come in quite handy when you are involved in any type of dispute or disagreement.
The ego is not a bad thing. It plays an important and necessary role in our human experience. Due to these life experiences some may have an over inflated ego. For others, the ego may be deflated to such an extent that no self-worth or self-esteem is present.
These amazing Chalcedony nodules help to balance the ego pendulum from swinging too far left or right, keeping you centered and grounded at all times.
Physically, Chalcedony nodules will balance the body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, literally. Lay down and place the female at the crown of the head and the male at the soles of your feet. They will work together to remove any energetic blockages that may be present.
Chalcedony nodules can help to remove toxins from the body. They will also aid the waste and elimination systems of the body to work properly, balancing the imbalance, clearing out.
For those with bowel issues, Chalcedony nodules may help to reduce gas, pain, bloating, constipation or nausea.
From - Chalcedony is one of the Quartzes. Perhaps the most prized is Blue Chalcedony. It can range from a regular blue to a grayish blue. Chrysoprase is the apple green Chalcedony. Chalcedony was a sacred crystal to some American Indian tribes, helping the community ties to remain strong and it encouraged visions. Chalcedony balances the physical, emotional, intellectual, and ethereal (spiritual) bodies.
Vibration: 5
Astrological Sign: Unknown
Crystals are a very large part of my life, and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by crystals! When a crystal is touching you all of the time, you are getting the energy of the crystal constantly. I wear several pendants, so I literally wear my medicine bag around my neck. I think this is the very best use of a crystal! Healing crystals do not do you a lot of good if they are sitting on a shelf. You should be touching them as much as possible! Working with them by holding them in your hand or placing them on your body is good, too, as is holding a crystal during meditation.
When my life is about to change, I usually know it is coming, because I feel a very strong need to change my pendants. When I no longer need to wear a pendant or other piece of jewelry, they sometimes literally fall off my body. Over the years, I have worn many different combinations of crystals, and I have enjoyed them all. I seem to wear at least six pendants, but it has been as many as twelve at times. Jewelry is an excellent way to work with your crystals!
Prices are subject to change without notice. I do my best to accurately describe all of the crystals I list for sale and to describe any "flaws", but I am imperfect in all things!
Deborah Burton
85 Posse Ground Road
Sedona, AZ 86336-4717
Cell: 928-821-5330
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