The metaphysical properties below are used *with* permission from Kristi Hugs - Kristi's Amazon Author page.

Kristi's Notes - Here is the Smokey Quartz with Feldspar frosting. Very matter of fact, this one came with just a few surprises.

Dark Smokey Quartz with Feldspar Frosting is a study of dark and light working with each other as opposed to an either/or approach.

This Smokey Quartz represents balance in partnerships, be it business or personal relationships. It helps in the area of connection and compromise, especially where there is a conflict that needs resolution. It is the ultimate mediator.

The incredible beauty of the dark Smokey is hidden by the layer of feldspar, making it hard to see at a glance. It reminds me of the saying, “Do not judge a book by its cover”, meaning a quick glance of the outside is not comparable to delving deep into the literary work itself. This goes for books and people.

This Smokey has a lot to offer, energetically. Do not pass it by.

Smokey Quartz can energetically clean/clear a space, place or person from old, dense energies built up over time. It also aids in removing energetic cords and repairing/healing the removal site.

Smokey Quartz can offer a sense of security and safety. It is a perfect everyday crystal to stay grounded and balanced.

For those who are exposed to radiation due to medical procedures, Smokey Quartz can help to remove residual toxins.

For those who live near or under electrical transmission towers, or have daily access to electronics (computers, TV's, microwaves) that send out Electromagnetic Field/Frequencies, Smokey Quartz can be incredibly helpful in reducing harmful effects such as headaches, depression, memory loss, irritability, chronic fatigue, loss of energy, and a weakened immune system.

Smokey Quartz is a lower vibration crystal, meaning it is more helpful with issues of a physical nature.

For those who face anxiety, paralyzing fear, or a strong fight/flight response, Smokey Quartz will not alleviate these things, but it can soften the fears, enough to allow more control over the reaction itself.

For those who feel intense anger, or are prone to bursts of uncontrollable anger, work with Smokey Quartz to find a calmer, middle ground where you can express your anger without losing control.

Life is not smooth. There are challenges and tests, experiences and lessons, both good and not so good. Smokey Quartz with Feldspar Frosting is a light in life's storms, an anchor in chaos or calm.

Smokey Quartz helps to find focus when the mind wanders.

Physically, working with Smokey Quartz can ease the pain of migraines, remove toxins from the body and help to balance all issues with the digestive system. It can also aid in addiction recovery and withdrawal symptoms. It is strength-giving on all levels during the process.

Smokey Quartz helps to ease pain, generally, but seems to be most helpful to those who suffer from Fibromyalgia, arthritis, and bursitis.

Hardness: 7.0
Vibration: 8
Astrological Sign: Unknown


Crystals are a very large part of my life, and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by crystals! When a crystal is touching you all of the time, you are getting the energy of the crystal constantly. I wear several pendants, so I literally wear my medicine bag around my neck. I think this is the very best use of a crystal! Healing crystals do not do you a lot of good if they are sitting on a shelf. You should be touching them as much as possible! Working with them by holding them in your hand or placing them on your body is good, too, as is holding a crystal during meditation.

When my life is about to change, I usually know it is coming, because I feel a very strong need to change my pendants. When I no longer need to wear a pendant or other piece of jewelry, they sometimes literally fall off my body. Over the years, I have worn many different combinations of crystals, and I have enjoyed them all. I seem to wear at least six pendants, but it has been as many as twelve at times. Jewelry is an excellent way to work with your crystals!

*Source: LOVE IS IN THE EARTH: The Crystal & Mineral Encyclopedia--The LIITE Fantastic, The Last Testament by Melody and Julianne Guilbault (Jan 1, 2008)


Prices are subject to change without notice.  I do my best to accurately describe all of the crystals I list for sale and to describe any "flaws", but I am imperfect in all things!

Deborah Burton
85 Posse Ground Road
Sedona, AZ 86336-4717
Cell: 928-821-5330


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