The metaphysical properties below are used *with* permission from Kristi Hugs - Kristi's Amazon Author page:
What a fascinating piece this is! Clear quartz with smoky spots irradiated by nature.
While some will turn away, considering it to be damaged, others will embrace for its differences and uniqueness. The lesson this Quartz with smoky spots shares is, "What you see in self, or others, are nothing more than your own perceptions. What some may view as imperfections, others will see as beautiful and perfect."
This crystal is a true metaphor for life. At times, we are moving along with ease, minding our own business, when out of nowhere, we are faced with an obstacle, a wall, or a hole we fall into. Many times, these are lessons of our own conscious choosing, while at other times, they are not. It is how we react to these challenges (victim or survivor?) and the solutions we create, that can make all of the difference.
This Quartz is really the perfect example of our life's path, clear vision with a few dark events or experiences peppered in. In truth, it is how we face these challenges that is most important. Those are the true lessons.
Notice that the Quartz and the dark, smoky spots co-exist in harmony, and to that end, it becomes this amazing, unique and beautiful creation of nature. I believe this Quartz could teach us to do the same. Co-exist in harmony. This Quartz reminds us about equality, acceptance and non judgement--embracing the differences, not separating from them. This is a powerful life message for each of us. Working with this Quartz will benefit humanity in many ways.
Quartz with smoky spots will help to balance and find center when things seem off kilter. The smoky spots will help to ground and protect, while the quartz further enhances that energy. It will also remove negativity from a person, space or place, filling it with positive, loving energy.
Quartz with hot spots will help to achieve a smooth transition, both in life and in passing. It will ease fear and anxiety, helping to find calm and peace.
Physically, Quartz with smoky spots can be very helpful for those going through radiation therapy. It will aid in recovery and the recuperation process.
From - Smokey Quartz with Hot Spots is an extremely rare formation. Sometimes you will find hot spots in Citrine and Clear Quartz, too. It is thought that radioactivity may have had a hand in creating this Quartz. That radioactivity was ancient, and that energy is long gone and no longer exists in these crystals. Some say it was a nuclear reactor in ancient Lemuria which may have caused this formation.
This crystal imparts strength to its user, allowing you to see why dis-harmony exists; what the root cause is. Smokey Quartz with Hot Spots allows you to look deeply within and without of one's self to help you do your work; to give better dimension to your work, and to allow you to be much better at more facets of your work. This crystal is great for meditation and for healing yourself when circular breathing is used.
This crystal helps you take more time so that you can respond to a situation rather than react which makes it a Throat Chakra crystal. Responding is always better, because you have taken some time to think about it. It is also a great grounding crystal. This special Smokey Quartz can help you work out any disparities within yourself so that "you" run more smoothly. This crystal shows you truth and all that you can be. It helps your brain work with your Third Eye, creating a wonderful balance between intellect and intuition. I view the brain, the head, as a whole system. It just happens to have three major Chakras--Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra. Responding is always better, because you have taken some time to think about it.
Hardness: 7.0
Vibration (Smokey Quartz With Hot Spots): 5
Vibration (Quartz With Hot Spots): 7
Astrological Sign: Capricorn and Sagittarius
Crystals are a very large part of my life, and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by crystals! When a crystal is touching you all of the time, you are getting the energy of the crystal constantly. I wear several pendants, so I literally wear my medicine bag around my neck. I think this is the very best use of a crystal! Healing crystals do not do you a lot of good if they are sitting on a shelf. You should be touching them as much as possible! Working with them by holding them in your hand or placing them on your body is good, too, as is holding a crystal during meditation.
When my life is about to change, I usually know it is coming, because I feel a very strong need to change my pendants. When I no longer need to wear a pendant or other piece of jewelry, they sometimes literally fall off my body. Over the years, I have worn many different combinations of crystals, and I have enjoyed them all. I seem to wear at least six pendants, but it has been as many as twelve at times. Jewelry is an excellent way to work with your crystals!
Prices are subject to change without notice. I do my best to accurately describe all of the crystals I list for sale and to describe any "flaws", but I am imperfect in all things!
Deborah Burton
85 Posse Ground Road
Sedona, AZ 86336-4717
Cell: 928-821-5330
Copyright © 2000-2020 Deborah Burton. All rights reserved.
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